
The 35th Anniversary of Pagdiriwang:
All Through the Years
June 5, 2022 l 1:45 PM
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
Photography Virtual Exhibit
June 5, 2022 l 3:00 PM
John C. Paredes
John is a Seattle-area photographer who started making images as a teenager to document family events and everyday happenings. In high school, he was introduced to the process of creating photos in the darkroom and was trained to see the attention and care each image can be given. This is where he grew to love photography as a means of personal expression and storytelling.
John is a self-taught photographer and spent several years learning the technical and artistic craft to photography so he could capture photos which inspire him to continue creating images to share. His focus is on landscapes, cityscapes, and still life but John also enjoys photographing events and portraits from time to time. He frequently has a camera in hand, ready to capture images of his family to document their lives and enjoys applying his artistic view to create visually interesting images with a pleasing aesthetic.

Growing up in Washington, I was always a short distance from somewhere that is visually magnificent. “Beautiful Pacific Northwest” is a collection containing some of my favorite views of Washington and Oregon.
I divided the collection into three themes, each of which highlight different elements of the scenery. From humanmade buildings to natural formations, I wanted to showcase each and bring the area to life for viewers.
I presented this collection in slideshow format for this Pagdiriwang celebration with an accompanying virtual exhibit which can be found here:
Additional work can be found on my portfolio at https://johncparedes.com